They said to me that’s love. Yes, yes, not a doubt. Now you see how easy it is. They said to me that’s friendship. Yes, yes, no question, you’ve found it. They said to me, here’s the place. Stop, raise your head and look at all that beauty, that order. They said to me, come now, you’re not a brute beast. Think upon these things and soon you’ll see how all becomes clear and simple. They said to me what skilled attention they get, all these dying of their wounds. I said to myself, sometimes Clov you must learn to suffer better than that, if you want them to weary of punishing you one day. I say to myself, sometimes, Clov, you must be there better than that if you want them to let you go one day. But I feel too old and too far to form new habits. Good. It’ll never end, I’ll never go. Then one day suddenly it ends, it changes. I don’t understand. It does, or it’s me, I don’t understand that either. I ask the words that remain, sleeping, waking, morning, evening. They have nothing to say. I open the door of the cell and go. I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes, and between my legs a little trail of black dust. I say to myself that the earth is extinguished though I never saw it lit. It’s easy going. When I fall, I’ll weep for happiness.
Tag: Old Vic, Samuel Beckett, Alan Cumming, Daniel Radcliffe,
自从在阿那亚戏剧看了《台词和台词之间的台词》,觉得Tiago Rodrigues超厉害的。后来才意识到原来在2021年阿维尼翁戏剧节演出的于佩尔版的《樱桃园》也是他导演的。Tiago Rodrigues在2024年阿维尼翁戏剧节的作品《Hécube, pas Hécube》是法喜演的,最近在电视台播出了,也有高清资源可以看了。
之前看的故事觉得倒叙设计蛮巧妙的,这个世界这份友谊真美好。这次看也是同样的感受。歌还是好听的,这次比较喜欢的,除了之前就单曲循环好久的《Old Friends》和在派对上连唱两遍的成名作,比较上瘾的是《Not a Day Goes By》。
Tag: Stephen Sondheim, George Furth, Jonathan Groff, Daniel Radcliffe, Lindsay Mendez, Maria Friedman,
Funny Girl 2024.11.13
也是看的revival的盗摄的版本,和昨天的呼应了,因为是Lea Michele主演的版本。
看到Lea Michele就想到多年前的《Glee》,真的是我的音乐剧的启蒙了。她那时候唱的《Defying Gravity》,马上电影版的《Wicked》都要上映了;她那时候唱的《Don’t Rain on My Parade》也是让我惊艳到了,一直在猜测Mr. Arnstein究竟是谁。这次在本剧的表演,唱法略有不同,但还是觉得这首歌就是为她定制的。
剧情本身是根据真人真事改编的,这个爱情的情节是奇葩还是深情还是狗血,也有点说不清了。最近《再见爱人》第4季太火了,有后遗症了。People who need people are the luckiest in the world这种价值观有点欣赏不来,但是歌还是好听的。
Ian McKellen的版本,当时上海还没有禁戏剧影像播放的时候我没有珍惜机会,主要还是对这个主题并不是那么感兴趣,算是莎士比亚四大悲剧我最无感的一部了吧。这次看的时候我也在想,这个子女赡养主题的家庭故事,是不是不仅仅如此呢。李尔王的命运,是他作为父亲作为国王的暴政的结果,民主的好处是多一个选择。家庭的选择是逃离,但是前提是不要家庭、长辈的认可,这是很多人穷尽一生所追求的。
Tag: National Theatre Live, William Shakespeare, Ian McKellen, Johnathan Munby, Chichester Festival Theatre,
I can’t base my survival on slogans and abstractions and vagueness. I’m not the type of person who can do Pilates on a beach and mistake relaxation for spirituality.