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Daily Archives: January 31st, 2013

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man H.G. Wells 我读小说还是那种最最初级原始的方法,即代入主人公。可能是这个原因,我读完这本《The Invisible Man》我觉得好同情Griffin啊。在读到Griffin给Dr. Kemp写去恐吓信的时候,我甚至是有点希望Griffin能成功的,人家都跟你掏心掏肺了却遭到最狠毒地背叛。我总结隐形人最大的失误就是没有找到一个适合的partner。Dr. Kemp称这位隐形人疯了,我反而觉得是他身边的那群人失去了理智。特别是最后隐形人结局那一段,相信作者也是想要我们从这种疯狂中挽回一丝人性的思考。 And there it was, on a shabby bed in a tawdry, ill-lighted bedroom, betrayed and unpitied, that Griffin, the first of all men to make himself invisible, Griffin, the most gifted physicist the world has ever seen, ended in infinite disaster his strange and terrible […]