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Daily Archives: June 8th, 2011


小夜曲:音乐与黄昏五故事集 Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall [英]石黑一雄 张晓意(译) 9787532752782 我非常喜欢这本小册子!这是石黑一雄最近的一本作品,也是唯一的一本短篇小说集。正如副标题写的,在这本里面一共有五个和音乐与黄昏有关的故事。有的很浪漫,有的有点忧伤,还有的感觉简直像是闹剧,但是几乎每一个故事都让我看得若有所思。下面引用wiki对这五个故事的简介。 “Crooner” •    Set in Venice, a fading American singer co-opts a Polish cafe musician into accompanying him while he serenades his wife (whose relationship is disintegrating) from a gondola. “Come Rain or Come Shine” •    In London, an expatriate EFL teacher is invited […]